Since the pandemic began we have been doing a number of activities to respond to the crisis. Our focus had been on how to keep our staff and customers safe, how to continue to serve our customers and how to add value by providing insights to our networks and community concerning COVID-19 and our experience on the ground. We have also been running a workplace response to the COVID-19 webinar series for Employers and Human Resource leaders in Africa. Additionally, we have also made some additions to our services to align with the pandemic.
These changes are as follows:
We have automated our HR outsourcing services
We have implemented team collaboration tools as part of our support service to track productivity and attendance remotely.
We have been supporting our clients throughout the pan risk assessments, health and safety protocols concerning returning employees back to work safely.
We have been championing workplace response and business continuity in our clients and also in our networks and social handles through our webinar series, articles and newsletters.
We are offering advisory services to businesses without internal HR support through our COVID-19 advisory support services.
Contact us to find out how we can help your business, call us on+233 302973379.